15/06/2011 End the campaign against discrimination as it encourages discrimination
16/06/201123/06/2011 On decriminalisation of honour and reputation
23/06/201117/06/2011 Agreement on Cooperation concluded with the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare on the project “Monitoring Respect for Human Rights in Closed Institutions in Montenegro”
Human Rights Action, the coordinator of the project “Monitoring Respect for Human Rights in Closed Institutions in Montenegro”, implemented together with partners Center for Anti-Discrimination EQUISTA, Center for Civic Education, Women’s Safe House (Shelter) and foreign partners, Belgrade Centre for Human Rights and Latvian Centre for Human Rights, concluded today an agreement on cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare and public institutions “Komanski most” and “Ljubovic”.
The agreement includes unannounced monitoring visits by trained monitors, consideration of NGOs recommendations with representatives of institutions that are subject to monitoring and relevant ministry, publishing booklets on the rights of residents and a campaign to improve awareness and the rights of people residing in these institutions.
The project is funded by the European Union and German Embassy.