13/10/2011 Comment on European Commission’s recommendation to open accession negotiations with Montenegro
13/10/201120/10/2011 Appeal to the Judicial Council: Adopt parameters for objective assessment of criteria for judicial posts
20/10/201117/10/2011 On the occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
NGO Human Rights Action appealed to Mr. Suad Numanović – Minister of Labor and Social Welfare, MPs, and members of the parliament Committee on Health, Labor and Social Welfare and Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms to:
- raise the amount of social assistances (aid), which are significantly lower than the amount determined in 2009 as the absolute poverty line (170 euro);
- to improve the control and assess the justification of the current distribution of social assistance.
In addition, the Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms supported HRA initiative to the Constitutional Court to review constitutionality and legality of the Decision of the Capital’s Assembly to provide certain social rights, including the right to soup kitchen (charity kitchen) only to persons having Montenegrin citizenship. HRA considered this a form of illegitimate and unconstitutional discrimination. More details on the initiative, submitted in August 2011, please see at: /?p=990
Since the Protector submitted to the Constitutional Court the Proposal for assessment of legality of Art. 2, par. 1 of the Decision on the forms of social and child welfare of the Capital City of Podgorica, the Constitutional Court is under an obligation to review this case and we hope that it will be done soon.
– Letter to the Minister
– Letter to the MPs