10/10/2013 Proposal of 18 NGOs for amendments to the Law on Election of Councellors and Members of the Parliament for the purpose of providing higher level of involvement of women in political life of Montenegro
11/10/201316/10/2013 Initiative to pardon citizens of municipality Beranselo submitted to the President of Montenegro
16/10/201311/10/2013 Human Rights Action supported the protest of the Media Trade Union of Montenegro
Around 100 journalists and representatives of civil society held a protest today in Podgorica, in front of the Ministry of the Interior, because of unresolved cases of attacks on journalists.
From today’s protest in front of the Ministry of the Interior
More information available in an article by Vijesti, at: http://www.vijesti.me/vijesti/softic-znam-ko-su-napadaci-nalogodavac-napada-2007-clanak-154047.