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15/05/201412/5/2014 Presentation of the third report “Monitoring of Journalistic Self-Regulatory Bodies in Montenegro”
Human Rights Action presented the third report “Monitoring of Journalistic Self-Regulatory Bodies in Montenegro” on 12 May at PR Centre in Podgorica. The report is based on monitoring of journalistic self-regulatory bodies in Montenegro in the period from October 2013 to March 2014.
Authors of the report are Dragoljub Duško Vuković, in relation to print media and web portals, and Marijana Buljan, in relation to primetime news programmes of five most watched television stations. Editor is Tea Gorjanc Prelević.
This is the third report published within the project “Monitoring of Journalistic Self-Regulatory Bodies in Montenegro”, implemented by Human Rights Action (HRA) from Podgorica from September 2012, with the support of the British Embassy in Podgorica. The aim of the project is to support the media and journalistic, i.e. media self-regulatory bodies in Montenegro in objective and uniform implementation of the Code of Montenegrin Journalists and standards of human rights. Within the project, we have submitted bulletins on the practice of the European Court of Human Rights of importance to freedom of expression and the right to privacy to all self-regulatory bodies, as well as media editorial boards and individual journalists in Montenegro.
The agenda of the event is available here.
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Third report: “Monitoring of Journalistic Self-Regulatory Bodies in Montenegro”
Presentation with charts (Microsoft PowerPoint) is available here.
Presentation with charts (PDF) is available here.
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