9/11/2013 Human Rights Action condemns new stoning of daily “Vijesti” premises
09/11/201318/11/2013 On the prosecution of cases of vandalism motivated by racism and nationalism
18/11/201318/11/2013 Human Rights Action supported the marking of Environmental Movement Day on 17 November in Vasove vode
Human Rights Action joined the Environmental movement “OZON“ and citizens of Beranselo in marking the International Environmental Movement Day on 17 November 2013, which also marks three years of struggle of local population against the illegal disposal of hazardous waste in the illegal landfill in Vasove vode. HRA supports this honest example of human and activist fight for the right to healthy environment in a state that has so far been ecological only on paper. We appeal to competent authorities to act urgently in order to properly recover this location and find permanent solution for the regional landfill further away from towns and villages.