
26/03/2013 The report “Prosecution of Torture and Ill-Treatment in Montenegro” was presented today

The report “Prosecution of Torture and Ill-Treatment in Montenegro”, as part of the project “Monitoring Respect for Human Rights in Closed Institutions in Montenegro”, which has […]

21/03/2013 On the occasion of the International Day Against Racial Discrimination

On the occasion of the International Day Against Racial Discrimination, Human Rights Action wishes to condemn in particular the examples of racism in Montenegro, such as […]

20/ 03/ 2013 The First International Day of Happiness

The UN General Assembly in its resolution 66/281 of 12 July 2012 proclaimed 20 March the International Day of Happiness, thereby recognizing the relevance of happiness and well-being […]


Human Rights Action once again urges the Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office and the police to take all measures within their competences to effectively investigate the violations […]

11/ 03/ 2013 The Role of the State Prosecutor in the Affair “Audio Recording”

The recent publication of audio recordings of the government and political party officials[1], which revealed systemic discrimination against citizens based on political affiliation and misuse of […]

05/ 03/ 2013 HRA proposed an addition to the Activity Plan of the Parliamentary Committee for Human Rights and Freedoms

Human Rights Action – HRA suggested to the Parliamentary Committee for Human Rights and Freedoms to supplement its Activity Plan for 2013, as soon as possible, […]

05/ 03/ 2013 Final assessment on the fulfillment of recommendations presented in the report: Respect for human rights of residents of the public institution the Center for children and juveniles “Ljubović”

Final assessment on the fulfillment of recommendations presented in the report: Respect for human rights of residents of the public institution the Center for children and […]

05/ 03/ 2013 Final assessment on the fulfillment of recommendations presented in the report: Respect for human rights of residents in the Public Institution ”Komanski most”

Final assessment on the fulfillment of recommendations presented in the report: Respect for human rights of residents in the Public Institution ”Komanski most”

18/ 02/ 2013 Final assessment on the fulfillment of recommendations presented in the report: Respect for human rights of patients placed in psychiatric institutions

Final assessment on the fulfillment of recommendations presented in the report: Respect for human rights of patients placed in psychiatric institutions

18/ 02/ 2013 Presentation of the final report on respect for human rights of patients placed in psychiatric institutions

Human Rights Action (HRA), in cooperation with Center for Anti-Discrimination “EQUISTA”, Center for Civic Education (CCE), and Women’s Safe House on 18 February 2013 presented the assessment on the fulfillment of recommendations […]

01/ 02/ 2013 Letter to the editor in chief of Daily “Dan”

Dear Mr. Milutinović, In accordance with the Media Act, HRA expects You to publish it’s response to the articles “There is no trace of Butterfly, the […]

29/ 01/ 2013 Food Bank made donation to the shelter for the homeless in Podgorica

Human Rights Action would like to thank the Food Bank Foundation on provided assistance to the temporary shelter for the homeless, established by HRA on 1 […]