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12/5/2014 Presentation of the third report “Monitoring of Journalistic Self-Regulatory Bodies in Montenegro”

                  Human Rights Action presented the third report “Monitoring of Journalistic Self-Regulatory Bodies in Montenegro” on 12 May at […]

9/5/2014 The Constitutional Court accepted to decide on HRA’s initiative that the Parliament of Montenegro prescribed the election of the Supreme State Prosecutor contrary to the Constitution

Human Rights Action (HRA) welcomes the decision of the Constitutional Court to initiate the procedure on HRA’s initiative to review the constitutionality of provisions of the […]

27/4/2014 The Conctitutional Court needs to instill confidence

On Friday, 25 April, Human Rights Action (HRA) submitted a letter to the president of the Constitutional Court, Ms. Desanka Lopičić, urging the Constitutional Court to […]

14/4/2014 Twilight of constitutionality – HRA on the third round of voting for the Supreme State Prosecutor

By voting for the Supreme State Prosecutor for the third time, the Members of the Parliament have violated the Constitution of Montenegro, which, in accordance with […]

14/04/2014 International Conference “Community-oriented prisons”

The two-day International Conference “Community-oriented prisons, organized by NGO Juventas and Human Rights Action begins on Tuesday, 15 April, at 10h in hotel Maestral in Pržno. […]

8/4/2014 On the constitutionality of the election of judges of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme State Prosecutor and the electoral laws

The Constitutional Court must first decide on the constitutionality of the elections of its judges (Published on 8 April 2014 at 14:03)   Podgorica (MINA) –Human […]

Lobbying for improvement of human rights legislation

[:en] 2015 Predlozi amandmana na Predlog zakona o izmjenama i dopunama Zakonika o krivičnom postupku / Proposed amendments to the Draft Law Amending the Law on […]

28/3/2014 HRA submitted an Initiative to the Constitutional Court to review the constitutionality of the third round of voting for the Supreme State Prosecutor

Human Rights Action (HRA) has submitted an Initiative to the Constitutional Court of Montenegro to review the constitutionality of the provision of the Rules of Procedure […]

27/3/2014 The third round of voting for the Supreme State Prosecutor is not in accordance with the Constitution

Human Rights Action believes that the procedure for election of the Supreme State Prosecutor should have ended yesterday because none of the candidates received the required […]

26/3/2014 Reaction to the judgement of the Basic Court in Podgorica in the case of HRA v. the state of Montenegro, as the founder of daily Pobjeda

Human Rights Action (HRA) is pleased with the judgement of the Basic Court in Podgorica that ordered Montenegro, as the founder of daily Pobjeda, to publish […]

25/3/2014 Eviction of residents of Zvjerinjak postponed again

Human Rights Action (HRA) would like to pay tribute to Mr. Miodrag Todorović, the owner of the land on which settlement  Zverinjak was built, because he […]

2/3/2014 On the beating of LGBT persons

Human Rights Action condemns the yesterday’s attack on two gay persons in Podgorica. We believe, based on the information we received from colleagues in the LGBT […]