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10/ 12/ 2012 On the occasion of 2012 Human Rights Day

On the occasion of Human Rights Day, Human Rights Action (HRA) reminds Montenegrin authorities to ensure respect of international human rights standards to which they have […]

06/12/2012 In Memoriam – Dragan Tumanovski

S velikim bolom primili smo vijest o smrti dr Dragana Tumanovskog, sudije Vrhovnog suda Republike Makedonije, dragog saradnika Akcije za ljudska prava. Dragan je bio sudija čije […]

22/ 11/ 2012 Press release regarding second first instance judgment in the “Deportation” war crime case

The manner in which this case has been processed to date shows, unfortunately, that Montenegrin judiciary still lacks sufficient knowledge, or willingness, to prosecute this war […]

30/ 10/ 2012 Conduct of Police Directorate members on the occasion of the basketball match

Human Rights Action addressed to Mr. Ivan Brajović, Minister of Interior regarding the conduct of Police Directorate members on the occasion of the basketball match between […]

21/ 10/ 2012 Urgent need for judicial reforms

The EU Report on Montenegro’s progress towards EU accession for 2012 indicates that, despite some progress that Montenegro has achieved, the independence of its judicial system […]

17/ 10/ 2012 Work of Parole Commission should be more transparent

Human Rights Action (HRA) addressed the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Duško Marković, on two occasions, appealing to the Ministry of Justice to review work […]

13/ 10/ 2012 Citizens must be protected from attacks

After the repeated attack on Todor Vujosevic, actor of the TV clip “We are part of the team!” (Mi smo dio ekipe!”), which is promoting protection […]

11/ 10/ 2012 Press release regarding stoning of bus with political party supporters

Human Rights Action (HRA) condemns the stoning of a bus carrying supporters of the Socialist People’s Party (SPP). We noted that increasingly aggressive election speeches apparently […]

08/ 10/ 2012 The government is not tackling the issue of ”Goli otok” (former Yugoslav prison for political prisoners)

Tea Gorjanc-Prelević, executive director of Human Rights Action (HRA) noted that in 2006 the Montenegrin Parliament, by adoption of the Council of Europe resolution on international […]

05/ 10/ 2012 Press release regarding the incident against journalists

Human Rights Action (HRA) condemns the latest incident against journalists, which occurred last night after the election rally of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) in […]

05/ 10/ 2012 In Memoriam – Vojin Dimitrijević

Dear Sir/Madam, It is with deep sorrow that we pay tribute to a great man, Professor Vojin Dimitrijević, the Director of the Belgrade Centre for Human […]

04/ 10/ 2012 Support for the initiative for the review of the constitutionality of the Misdemeanor Act

Human Rights Action (HRA) sent a letter to the president of the Constitutional Court and the Minister of Justice in support of the initiative for the […]